"Black History Is More Than 28 Days"

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Tammy Gibson, founder of Sankofa TravelHer is an accomplished entrepreneur, storyteller and travel historian. Her mission is to raise awareness, impact youth and preserve pride in African American culture through her personal journey. Tammy’s passion began at a young age in Chicago, IL. Raised by entrepreneurial parents, they modeled the importance of hard work and instilled the significance of education as the vehicle to transport her to the life of her dreams. Tammy earned her B.A. in African American Studies from Chicago State University.
Tammy’s increasing interest in African American history has led her to travel extensively to explore Africa and several cities throughout the United States to gather information about the hidden treasures of African Americans that are erased from history books. Journaling the path of her ancestors, Tammy has visited several national parks, historical landmarks, museums, markers, cemeteries, slave plantations, findings of the Underground Railroad, sleeping in slave cabins to honor the enslaved, and meeting historical leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and descendants of the enslaved.
Her ability to share valuable historical knowledge as a living historian through her presentations and replicas of artifacts that is a reminder of the history of slavery in America. Tammy’s teachings of slavery have inspired the youth to learn and understand the importance of African American history and the men, women and children who were enslaved.
Tammy was a former contributing writer for the Chicago Defender and Chicago News Weekly. Tammy is a member of National Council of Negro Women Chicago Central Section, Order of the Eastern Star, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. Zeta Pi Chapter, Major Taylor Cycling Club of Chicago and the Democratic Women of the Southland Region,
Tammy's book "Honoring the Legacy: A Guide of African-American Monuments and Statues was the winner of the 2021 Independent Author Network Book of the Year for Outstanding Non-Fiction Travel/Nature. In 2023, Gibson was awarded the Sister 4 Life Empress Award.